Wednesday, June 5, 2013


Advertisers will stop at nothing to get you to buy their products. I've seen ads ranging from funny to scandalous to downright wrong in an attempt to get me to run out to the nearest store and buy something I don't need. The other day I saw one that caught my attention, though it still failed to entice me. 

Apparently McDonalds has some new tortilla wrapped chicken and veggie thing that is designed to make you think you are eating something healthy at a fast food restaurant. What caught my attention was the way they described it. When I heard the phrase "gorgeous fresh vegetables" it got me thinking. Here I am a thirty something year old father of five and all this time I thought the word gorgeous was something that was primarily used to describe a woman. I'd be wiling to stretch it to finely restored classic car as well or even a bouquet of flowers, but veggies? 

Can vegetables be described using the same word I used to describe my wife on our wedding day? That seems a little off balance to me. If veggies are gorgeous, what's to stop me from saying to my wife, "Honey, you look like broccoli today" or "You're a slice of cucumber on a bed of lettuce"? I just don't think she'd melt in my arms upon hearing those words. How can I, in good conscious, describe my wife, whom I love, using the same word that is used to describe vegetable, which I tolerate? Veggies can have something like succulent, but not gorgeous. 

If we have to share words, I'd be okay with sharing gorgeous with a few select cars. Most men by nature don't crave veggies and spend hours enjoying them. Many men, however, appreciate a fine automobile, so to use the same word to describe a car and a wife seems more appropriate than sharing such a beautiful word with the vegetable world. 

I know for me that I'd much rather be described as a Corvette than a cabbage and I'm sure my wife would agree. 

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